If you have no experience tying a parachute style dry fly, I would recommend starting with a larger size hook.
This tutorial for the Parachute Adams dry fly comes from the Questoutdoors.net and was tied by Chris Hatcher. Another good tutorial for the parachute adams is at americanflyfishing.com. I use that one as a guide occasionally as well.
Hook: TMC 100, #10-18
Thread: Black 8/0
Tail: Brown & Grizzly hackle
Body: Adam's color superfine dubbing
Post: White antron or substitute
Wing: Brown & Grizzly mix
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Start thread and wrap back to the barb tip
2. Tie in mix of brown and grizzly hackle. Use a stacker to align the tips. Make sure the fibers are all on the top of the hook shank
3. Tie in a post (my next post will be a tutorial on tying a parachute post).
4. Dub body up to post. The length of the post should be the length of the hook gap.
5. Tie in brown & grizzly hackle feathers.
6. Wrap the hackle starting at the top of the thread base on the post and work downward.
7. Ad a little bit of dubbing to the thread to cover the tie in spot and secure the hackle with 3 wraps
8. Tie off and trim any errant hackle fibers. Trim post to look like mayfly wings.
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